Notkelly’s Weblog

April 1, 2008

Spring Break

Filed under: class assignments — by notkelly @ 4:55 pm

What I did during spring break was just relax. I did clean most of the house, well the up stairs anyway. But i had a chance to read a few good books which i really enjoyed. They were a western series by Lori Wick about three brothers that feel in love. All three books incorporated God, prayer ,the bible and how it changed their lives, their parents were unbelievers but they end up coming to realize that they need God in their life. I think it was called the Yellow Rose Trilogy, if you ever get a chance to read these it really helped me understand how to tell unbelievers about Christ.  

The weather was so nice I spent a lot of time outside. We had to work in our barn though a few days to get it ready for the summer and all that stuff. But I don’t mind working hard if I have a good reason. We started planting our garden too, with potatoes, lettuce, radishes, and strawberries. So I was so glad to see that it was raining today! grow little plants..!!

And then Saturday Keelie spent the night at my house! Of course we stayed up late watching movies and talking. We watched a Knights Tale, which is one of my all time favorites. And that weekend I also watched Atonement,with Keira Knightly. It was great. The beginning was kinda slow but it got really good as it went along. If your in the mood for a love story/war movie watch this movie!!

And that is pretty much all my spring break. Hope yours was great to!!

March 17, 2008

Plans for Spring Break

Filed under: class assignments — by notkelly @ 5:22 pm

Well I hope for spring break that I will be able to just relax. I don’t know if there is anything planned on my schedule yet or not , I’m always the last to know anything!  Probably just help my dad out, fixing things inside and outside of the house. And playing with our new baby lambs should be fun to we now have 8 of them!. And hopefully I will find time to just sit and read my book. That is what I hope my spring break is going to be.!

March 14, 2008

The Home Stretch

Filed under: class assignments — by notkelly @ 5:21 pm

Well its the last nine weeks of the year!! Wow time fly by so fast it seems like we just started school a few months ago. I’m kinda scarred of next year since it will be my senior year.. that’s a lot of pressure.. But the end of this year is going to be hard i think. The last quarter always is. All kinds of stuff just seems to pile up on me and i feel so overwhelmed by it. Its always hard to keep my priorities straight. it is hard to keep on top of things so it will be a challenge to keep my grades up. Soon enough i will be a senior!! wow..

January 24, 2008

presidental race

Filed under: class assignments — by notkelly @ 6:13 pm

 Mike Huckabee  seems like the best canidate in the republican race.  He has a good Christian back-ground and he lets people know what he believes in. He is pro-life,and as Governor of Arkansas he helped passed the Unborn Child Amendment. Mr. Huckabee also believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman, he also supports the Marriage Act. He also said that his faith and his professional life are not separated. This web site has alot of his beliefs and his stand points, it helped me understand what he was all about.

January 11, 2008

Retirement homes accept the wii

Filed under: class assignments — by notkelly @ 6:15 pm

dailytech article

the wii has broken a barrier that many things have failed to do, being accepted by both the young and the old. Many retirement homes have taken the video game in and it has become the highlight of the retiree’s day.  They are able to play sports that they haven’t been able to do since high school! The top favorite game is said to be wii bowling. This video game can get people up and moving and having fun at the same time!

January 3, 2008

And so begins chapter 2

Filed under: class assignments — by notkelly @ 6:02 pm

  This year has gone by so fast! soon it will be over ,then comes the senior year, that I’m dreading.. As a junior there is alot of pressure about college, and all the big questions that come with it. Which one is for me? What do i want to do in life? Is what I’m choosing really what God wants me to do? And people say that now is the best time to start looking around. That is my major task for this semester.

The second semester always seems to be way longer than the first! I think the work is harder so i will have to study alot more to keep my grades up.  One exciting thing is in geometry we have to build this bridge out of tooth-pics, and then put weights on it to see how much weight it will hold. That will be very interesting to see how mine turns out!

This coming semester I want to finally finish drivers ed! Finding a car would be nice as well. I’m thinking about getting a . Family time is also top on my list. I love being able to spend time with them. Having fun , playing games,  watching movies or even just talking.Spending time with God is also important to me. I’m trying to make time for him and I’m sure i will succeed this time. It feels good to be able to spend time reading His word and talking to him.


November 26, 2007

I just dont have time to do that

Filed under: class assignments — by notkelly @ 6:01 pm

 The study was to approximate on how much time you spend on one activity. Then put it all down in an orderly fashion.We made a table for a week(i also did this for one day.) and labeled what activities we did during that week and around what time we did them at.    Then we put all our information on Charts that made all the information easier to read.

The top three activities for me would be: sleeping at 63.5 hours a week, school at 35 hours a week, and relax time at 15 hours a week.

 I was surprised at how much I slept that takes up a lot of my time. What wasn’t in there was my time to spend with God/reading the Bible.. in life it seems that i never have time or that or I’m in such a rush but really i have 15 hours of doing practically nothing a week! and i couldn’t give God at-least 10minutes of my time?

Well it shows me what i need to put first in my life.. What is most important to me. Hopefully this will give me the push i need to get going and change somethings that i have been wanting to and “never had time”to !!!

November 14, 2007

World veiws…

Filed under: class assignments — by notkelly @ 6:03 pm

 (1) A world view is a set of basic beliefs we have that determine the way we see the world.. It can also be described as an explanation of the world or the application of the way we live.

(2) People’s world views are important because that is what they believe,and ultimately what they will end up living.

(3) Yes there are many different world views that are being shoved at us every day.  By the music you listen to , the movies you watch, or the books you read. The hard part is sorting out what is really true and what is fake.

(4) Hedonism is in most movies today. Its all about what you want and not thinking about God or other people. Most music today, if you listen to the words, has some kind of world view; it maybe one of many like: Nihilism ( life has no meaning),or Existentialism ( that you must make a meaning for your life). There will always be something coming at you through places you least expect.

(5) That college professors are more bias against Mormons and  Evangelical Christians than Jews or other religions.. And i like this quote..” The World is our ministry, Everywhere is our mission field.”

(6) It has made me more aware what is really out in the “real world”, out side of a Christian high school. And help prepare me for the future

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